Pharmtechnology LLC

Pharmtechnology LLC has been a pharmaceutical market player since 1991

A draft project on organization of pharmaceutical production was developed by Design-Construction Medicinal-Biotechnological Institute (MedBioP) in 1996

The first stage of pharmaceutical production was put into operation in 1998. It should be noted that in order to move forward it is necessary to invest significantly in new technologies and personnel training. Nearly all profit of Pharmtechnology LLC over more than 20 years of its existence was reinvested in its development.

In October 2012 Pharmtechnology LLC was the first domestic pharmaceutical company to receive an international GMP PIC/S certificate. It is worth noting that the certificate was obtained based on the results of the first inspection.

The inspection results are mutually recognized by all PIC/S member countries. PIC/S currently comprises ca. 54 members (including Switzerland, Germany, France, Canada, USA, Australia, Japan, South Correa, Brazil etc.).

Pharmtechnology LLC

Inspection of Pharmtechnology

by the PIC/S international inspectorate organization (Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme) in March 2014 confirmed the status of conformity to GMP PIC/S international standards of quality assurance and control, which was received in 2012.

At the moment our stock-list includes more than 150 medicines of different pharmacotherapeutic groups and dosage forms (tablets, ointments, gels, syrups, nasal solutions and sprays). Most of them have been included into the manufacturing plan as part of the national import substitution program